WordPress跑馬燈外掛- Vertical marquee post titlem與Post title marquee scroll

這個外掛作者有兩款跑馬燈外掛, 方向不同, 一個垂直方向, 一個水平方向
Vertical marquee post titlem 與 Post title marquee scroll


也有short code放置於文章裡面, 如 short code: [vmpt setting=”2″] (其中數字 1 ~ 4)


Post title marquee scroll is a simple wordpress plugin to create the marquee scroll in the website with post title. In the admin we have option to choose the category and display order. We can add this plugin directly in the theme files. Also we have widget and short code option.

This plugin will create the vertical marquee effect in your website, if you want your post title to move vertically (scroll upward or downwards) in the screen use this plugin. We are using the simple marquee tag to move the text vertically, and tested this plugin in all the leading internet browsers. admin option available to set the scroll effects and colors scheme.

Features of this plugin

Easy to customize
Easy styles override option
Configurable scroll amount
Option to update scroll delay
Option to update the scroll direction
Option to pause the scroller on mouse over
Option to choose category
Option to select order
Option to enter number of post to scroll

Plugin configuration

Drag and drop the widget : Go to widget menu and drag and drop the Vertical marquee post title widget to your sidebar location.

Short code for pages and posts : Use the below short code in the pages and posts.
[vmpt setting=”1″]
[vmpt setting=”2″]
[vmpt setting=”3″]
[vmpt setting=”4″]

Add directly in the theme : Add the below PHP code in your theme PHP file, for example if you want to add this slider in your website footer, just activate the plugin and add this code in footer.php file.

<?php vmptshow(); ?>
