windows 8 – metro 介面底下的bluetooth 使用API為networking.proximity

Bluetooth 就是 networking.proximity
Bluetooth support is available to Metro style apps through the proximity APIs. There is no other method to do this from a Metro style app.

A: 有on/off吗
A: 看來沒有@@
A: 如果先打開的話 應該都可以測吧
B: 我剛有看一下
B: 他有兩個API
B: 寫在initialization
B: 可能是on/off

private void ProximityDeviceArrived(Windows.Networking.Proximity.ProximityDevice device)
WriteMessageText("Proximate device arrived. id = " + device.DeviceId + "\n");

private void ProximityDeviceDeparted(Windows.Networking.Proximity.ProximityDevice device)
WriteMessageText("Proximate device departed. id = " + device.DeviceId + "\n");

B: 對呀 應該按照她寫的範例 initial 就可以打開BT功能
A: Bluetooth support is available to Metro style apps through the proximity APIs. There is no other method to do this from a Metro style app.
A: 那這句話又是甚麼意思
B: 就是 Bluetooth在 Metro裡面, 可以透過proximity API來實現~ 除此之外沒其它API 可以實現BT
B: 所以 當device 在BT的感測範圍內或外

The ProximityDevice class has these events.
Event Description
DeviceArrived Occurs when a device enters the proximate range.
DeviceDeparted Occurs when a device leaves the proximate range.


Enables you to discover another instance of your app on a nearby device and create a socket connection between the peer apps by using a tap gesture or by browsing.

A: 先叫他由設定打開 然後進來測 我只要叫他去找 找的到我就算ok
B: 找得到就表示metro app是work的
