動詞 include 放在句子後方作補充說明用法時,有幾個常見的型態--including、included,它們因為太相像而讓許多人總是搞錯它們的用法,像是:
Some people are trapped in the burning building, _____ two men and five women.
請問老師,我應該要用 including 還是 included 呢?
出處: 希平方
1) include 怎麼用?
Include 就是一般動詞「包括、包含」的意思,需要搭配主詞、受詞,例如:
The meal includes dessert and beverage.
2) including 怎麼用?
Including 是用來帶出包含的事物,在主要句子後面先加上逗號之後,由 including 引導含括的事物,例如剛剛的例句中包含的事物在後面,所以前方的空格應該使用 including:
Some people are trapped in the burning building, including two men and five women.
My grandparents own a farm, and they grow a lot of vegetables there, including cabbage and peppers.
3) included 怎麼用?
Included 也是在主要句子後加上逗號,再作補充說明,不過它放置的位子跟 including 相反,會先講出所包含的事物,再加上 included 於後方位置。例如剛剛那句可以這樣改:
Some people are trapped in the burning building, two men and five women included.
They’re having a big sale, all electric appliances included.