英語- 別太常用 like

Understanding the Word (瞭解Like這個字的涵義)
像 – “This tastes like chicken.”
喜歡 – “I like this movie.”
(X)”It’s like we knew each other the whole time!”
(O)”It’s as if we knew each other the whole time!”

Improve your vocabulary.(增加詞彙)
(差)”He’s like 160 lbs.”
(好)”He’s about 160 lbs.”
(更好)”He weighs 160 lbs and has a stocky build.”
(差) “She’s, like, really happy with her new job.”
(好) “She’s happy with her new job.”
(更好)”She’s more satisfied with her new job.”

Quit using the “like” altogether.(徹底拔除like這個字眼)
像:用”similar to”取代”like”。
喜歡:用”enjoy”, “savor”, “love.” 取代 “like”。

分類: 未分類
