Repo/Git 使用手冊, android開發圖說如何使用指令


1. To install Repo:
Make sure you have a bin/ directory in your home directory and that it is included in your path:

$ mkdir ~/bin
$ PATH=~/bin:$PATH

Download the Repo tool and ensure that it is executable:

$ curl > ~/bin/repo
$ chmod a+x ~/bin/repo

2.Initializing a Repo client
Create an empty directory to hold your working files.
只有在此目錄底下, 能使用指令repo


Run repo init to bring down the latest version of Repo with all its most recent bug fixes. You must specify a URL for the manifest, which specifies where the various repositories included in the Android source will be placed within your working directory.

$ repo init -u https://android.googl

Downloading the Android Source Tree
To pull down the Android source tree to your working directory from the repositories as specified in the default manifest, run

$ repo sync

或是 Try using following command, here -c make much lesser time
here -c is used as current branch defined in your manifest. so other data wont get fetched

$ repo sync -c -j5

repo 簡單說明:

所以一定要學會使用 repo forall -c xxxxxxx 這個常用語法結構

repo forall -c “git status”

repo forall -c “git checkout branch_abc”

repo forall -c git log –oneline | grep “commit name”

#上傳修改的部分(類似git push)
repo [–trace] upload

repo init -u ssh://@10.xx.xx.xx/opt/git/antares/android/manifest.git -b antares-xxxx –mirror

根據Android Developing提供易上手說明:


1. repo sync 先下載程式碼
2. repo start CHECJIN_BRANCH –all 對所有git project建立一個叫 CHECJIN_BRANCH(或其他自取名稱) 的branch
3. 改source code 東改西改, 假設你改了2個git project程式碼
4. 在這2個擬修改的git, 作git commit
5. repo upload (如果出現 # Uncomment the branches to upload: 就把底下的#移除作uncomment吧!)

然後接著 git與repo搭配使用:


git 簡單說明:

#Set commiter/creator name/email
git config –global “XXXX”
git config –global “”

#how to use git://xxx/ ?
apt-get install git-daemon-run
vi /etc/sv/git-daemon-run/run
exec git-daemon –verbose –export-all –base-path=$git_path
sv restart git-daemon

git clone git://$server_ip/project.git

#create a git respository
#create some files
git init

#To visualize branches:
git branch -a

#To create a new branch:
git branch testbranch

# create branch from a commitid
git branch recover_branch commitid

#To change to created branch:
git checkout -b testbranch

#pull data from branch
git pull origin testbranch

#commit created branch name to remote git server
git push origin testbranch

#delete remote branch name
git push origin :testbranch

#To delete a local branch (you need be in other branch to do that):
git branch -D testbranch

#retrieve local deleted file from git server
git checkout file-name

#Track new files:
git add xxxxx.c

#To make a commit:
git commit -a

#To remove the last commit:
git reset –hard HEAD^

# 修改上一次的 commit 訊息
git commit –amend

# 修改將檔案1、檔案2加入上一次的 commit
git commit –amend 檔案1 檔案2…

#Create patches between two branches:
git format-patch master..testbranch

#Create all patch files for changes
git format-patch start-commit-id

#ex: xxx5.1
git format-patch e3d6a36d645fcc210adaf73652295d36cf0c87a1

#reate patches into single file
git format-patch master –stdout > fix_empty_poster.patch

#Check patch
git apply –check fix_empty_poster.patch

#Sign off an applied patch
git am –signoff fix_empty_poster.patch

#abort previous changes ( “previous rebase directory .git/rebase-apply still exists but mbox given” )
git am –abort

#Apply patch & update creator to myself
git apply –index
git commit

#create a tag
git tag -a -m “tagging version 1.0″ v1.0

#push tag
git push –tags

#You can also push a single tag:
git push origin tag name-of-tag

# rename new tag and push it
$> git tag new_tag old_tag
$> git push –tags

#Then delete the tag ‘12345’ from remote and local
git tag -d 12345
git push origin :refs/tags/12345

#//clone from remote git server
git clone ssh://
cd project_name
touch index.html
git add index.html
git commit -m ‘init’
git push origin master # local 預設 clone 是 master, push 到 origin(remote server)

# Create the remote branch
git push origin origin:refs/heads/new_feature_name

# reverse list
git diff $(git rev-list -n1 –before=”1 day ago” master)

# 手動 merge master commit to RELEASE branch
git checkout master
git pull
git format-patch start-commit-id
git checkout RELEASE (first time: git checkout -b RELEASE )
git pull origin RELEASE
git apply –check 0008-xxx.patch
git am –signoff 0008-xxx.patch
git push origin RELEASE

#Create patches between two branches:
git format-patch master..testbranch

#Create all patch files for changes
git format-patch start-commit-id

git format-patch e3d6a36d645fcc210adaf73xxxxxx36cf0c87a1

#Create patches into single file
git format-patch master –stdout > fix_empty_poster.patch

#Check patch
git apply –check fix_empty_poster.patch

#Sign off an applied patch
git am –signoff fix_empty_poster.patch

#abort previous changes ( “previous rebase directory .git/rebase-apply still exists but mbox given” )
git am –abort

Git 初學筆記 – 指令操作教學

git: 如何用git-am来合并git format-patch生成的一系列的patch.

一篇寫得很易懂得git repository:

gitweb設定 (on Ubuntu 10.04)


分類: 未分類

在〈Repo/Git 使用手冊, android開發圖說如何使用指令〉中有 4 則留言

  1. 易春木 文章作者回覆

    git revert COMIIT_NUM
    git push

  2. weiwei 回覆

    你好 我使用的是ubuntu13.10版 在終端機下指令出現此錯誤

    weiwei@weiwei:~/WORKING_DIRECTORY$ repo init -u
    /home/weiwei/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token newline'
    /home/weiwei/bin/repo: line 1:

    repo這個指令似乎在man裡也找不到相關說明 請問大大上面出現的問題是什麼呢?

  3. 易春木 文章作者回覆

    詳情請看下方 :


weiwei 發表迴響 取消回覆